The Benefits of Beer and the Different Types You Must Try

Food & Drinks

The Benefits of Beer and the Different Types You Must Try

Did you know that beer is the third most-consumed drink in the world? Yes, it comes right after water and tea. People around the world consume around 189 billion litres of beer every year. Its history dates back to 5000BC, and in Ancient Egypt, all the brewers were women. It has a long and interesting history, that’s why nowadays there are many beer museums all over the world.

It’s not surprising that people love beer so much. It’s very refreshing, especially on a hot summer day. The combination of bright flavours, cold temperature and bubbles make it the perfect drink. There are so many types of beer that you can spend a lifetime trying each and every one of them, and still not taste them all. Don’t miss out on this incredible drink out of fear of the infamous beer belly, you can make it go away!

Benefits of Drinking Beer

craft beers - bottle


It’s Nutritious

Beer has just as many antioxidants as wine, despite repeated claims to the contrary. Regardless of the fact that the flavonoids in hops and barley are different from those in grapes, antioxidants are still beneficial. Protein and vitamin B levels in beer are actually higher than those in wine. Plus, beer has nutrients including calcium, fibre, phosphates, and iron. So don’t hesitate, go and buy online craft beer of quality from the finest of ingredients and breweries, or visit your local supermarket.

It Protects Your Heart

Some studies show that moderately consuming beer may reduce your risk of heart attacks, strokes, and heart disease compared to people who don’t drink. It’s proven that when you use alcohol moderately, it can lower the chances of some cardiovascular diseases. This applies to beer, as much as wine and spirits.

It Prevents Kidney Stones

Beer consumption may lower your risk of producing kidney stones. A recent study found that moderate beer drinkers, both men and women, had a 41% lower chance of developing kidney stones. Pale ales, which are beers with a high hop content, are an excellent example because they’re full of phytochemicals that are good for our kidneys.

It Lowers Cholesterol

Beer’s soluble fibre can contribute to lowering LDL, or bad cholesterol. By increasing your intake of soluble fibre you’ll experience many benefits, that include normal blood-cholesterol levels and healthy blood sugar. But alcohol can also lower the body’s ability to burn fat because it can interfere with the absorption of vitamins and minerals.

It Strengthens the Bones

The thing that contributes to beer strengthening our bones is its high silicon content. Orthosilicic acid (OSA) which is dietary silicon, is vital for the development and growth of our bone and connective tissue. This silicon also lowers the risk of osteoporosis, a disease that thins the bones and limits our mobility.

It Reduces Stress

tasty beer


If you have high levels of stress and anxiety at work or at home, two glasses of beer a day will reduce it and help you stay calm and relaxed. But be careful how much and how often you consume it because regular consumption can have a more negative effect than a positive one. You’ll feel relieved and happy at the moment, but in the long run, it can cause anxiety and depression. That’s why you need to carefully dose the amount you consume.

It Improves Memory

Beer’s main ingredient, hops, contains xanthohumol. This is a flavonoid acid that can enhance your cognitive functions and reduce the rate at which our memory deteriorates. This substance can also help in preventing oxidative damage of brain cells related to dementia.

It Cleans the Teeth

People conducted research where they tested beer and its effect on our teeth. It’s proven that beer extracts block the activity of harmful bacteria that cause gum disease and tooth decay, and form a biofilm. It also slows its growth by preventing communication between them. This is another great reason to go buy craft beer from the nearby brewery or enjoy a glass or two at the bar.

Types of Beer

There are two general categories when it comes to beers: lagers and ales. But there are so many different types and every one of them has a unique taste, alcohol percentage and colour. By understanding what their characteristics are, you’ll be able to buy online craft beer without having to do additional research and ask questions.

Pale Ale

pale ale craft beer


Worldwide, this is the most popular beer type. It has a beautiful colour that varies between golden and copper brewers make it with ale yeast and pale malt. That’s why these ales have a light malt flavour. As an aftertaste, you’ll get a small amount of bitterness for a pop of flavour. Overall, their alcohol content is low which makes them easy to drink. You can pair pale ales with spicy foods and savoury dishes for additional flavour.

India Pale Ale

These beers can have two colours, golden or amber. Because they’re made from more hops than usual, IPAs have a bitter taste. Some brewers learned a trick and added herbals or citruses for a boost of flavour. This is also a trick that balances the bitterness. This type is considered a strong beer, and because of its high alcohol content it may be heavy to drink in large amounts. The best foods that go with IPAs are meat, fish, poultry and fried food.


Pilsners are beers that were created in Pilsen, Czech Republic. It’s a light, golden type of beer that contains hops, malts and hard or neutral water. It has a bitter taste followed by a little dryness. It has a low alcohol content and people usually consume it during the summer period. Besides the Czech Republic, Germany and America also have some of the best pilsners. Soft cheeses, pork, poultry and seafood will be the perfect food partners.


Stouts are unique because of their dark colour and creamy head. Brewers add unmalted roasted barley to the wort which gives them a heavily roasted flavour. Very often they can have gentle hints of molasses, chocolate or coffee. This makes them a great drink to accompany desserts. Grilled meats and shellfish will also work.


This is a beer that originates from the 18th century in London. It has a bold aroma and a specific roasted flavour. Manufacturers add roasted barley or brown malts to add notes of caramel, toffee and coffee. In terms of colour, they’re very similar to stouts and also go well with desserts. But the right combo is porters with smoked foods and barbeque.

Brown Ale

Brown ales are very flavourful and can have an amber or brown colour. They can have nutty or citrusy hints, but the main flavour comes from the specific region where the beer is produced. The best food pairings are red meats, nutty cheeses and barbeque.

Wheat Beer

Their main malt is wheat which makes wheat beers smooth with a hazy body. The flavour depends on the type of wheat, and it has a small number of hops. Summer is the best period to consume this beer because of its citrusy flavour and the possibility to combine it with foods such as salads, vegetables, seafood and most fruit tarts.

Sour Ale

sour craft beer


Sour ales are very acidic because of the wild yeast and bacteria. This makes them sour and tart. Some brewers take them to the next level by adding different fruits or spices to mix up the flavour. This is a great beer to brew at home because you can play and experiment with flavours. The best foods that go with sour ale are vegetables, salads and seafood.

To Summarise

Beer is one of the most famous drinks in the world. Every region has its own way of brewing it by adding different ingredients. So, no matter what’s your type, we believe you’ll enjoy every sip of it.

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Olivia Hammonds

As a proud Pisces known for the selflessness, Olivia joined up the blog fascinated by the idea she can help readers with info on topics and their related benefits like health and beauty, travel, food and drinks. When not writing, she likes to call it a day reading comic books in the company of her Tonkinese cat Chatty or binge-watching The Big Bang Theory with her SO like the nerd she is.

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