Healthy Way to Eat More: The Benefits of Lean Protein Meals

Food & Drinks

Healthy Way to Eat More: The Benefits of Lean Protein Meals

Eating more protein is something that only bodybuilders can benefit from, right? Unfortunately, that’s what many people seem to think. There’s a huge misconception that by eating meals high in protein we are also increasing our fat and calorie intake. However, protein isn’t solely fatty red meat. There’s also lean protein which is high in nutrients but low in calories and fat, making it a much healthier option.

lean protein meals

Lean protein foods such as fish, white-meat poultry, beans, legumes, tofu, soy milk and egg whites are high in amino acids which are essential components for building healthy cells, bone formation, and nail and hair growth. So, if you’re on the fence of whether to increase your protein intake or not, here are some great benefits of lean protein meals that may convince you.

Manage Your Weight

Protein-rich foods are known to keep you fuller for longer. They can satiate your hunger to a greater extent than fats or carbohydrates do. So, simply by eating lean protein meals, you can prevent overeating and the need to snack. As a result, you can reduce your daily calorie intake which can help you maintain your desired weight. What’s more, digesting protein also requires the body to spend more energy, which means more calories are being burned. And combining exercise on top of all this can help you lose weight faster and much easier as you won’t get hungry easily.

Build Stronger Muscles

Although lean protein foods can help you lose weight, that doesn’t result in muscle loss. In fact, combining exercise (even of low intensity) and lean protein meals is proven to stimulate muscle development. As it was already mentioned, the amino acids found in lean protein are the building blocks of everything in the body from bones to skin, and muscles. And after a workout, your muscles need protein to help them repair and rebuild. So, by including more lean protein into your diet, your body receives more building material that it can use to grow stronger and bigger muscles.

Lower Your Cholesterol Levels

Contrary to popular belief, protein does not increase the bad cholesterol in your body. In fact, lean protein foods such as fish, shrimp, beans, chia seed and flaxseed contain high amounts of omega-3 which as a type of healthy fatty acid that can actually lower plasma cholesterol. So, by taking in more omega-3 through lean protein foods you can actually lower your risk of cardiovascular disease.

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Olivia Hammonds

As a proud Pisces known for the selflessness, Olivia joined up the blog fascinated by the idea she can help readers with info on topics and their related benefits like health and beauty, travel, food and drinks. When not writing, she likes to call it a day reading comic books in the company of her Tonkinese cat Chatty or binge-watching The Big Bang Theory with her SO like the nerd she is.

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