Benefits of TENS Units for Back Pain

Health & Beauty

Benefits of TENS Units for Back Pain

If you’ve just learned about the TENS therapy, you’re probably wondering if all the rumours around it are true and whether a TENS unit is the last piece of the puzzle of living a back pain-free life. With more research seeing the light of day, TENS machines seem to provide an effective form of relief for both acute and chronic back pain. It’s the therapy of choice for people who want to avoid taking pain killers which can have negative side effects. But what are actually TENS units, do they work for back pain and what are the benefits of using them? Let’s talk details.

Source: BadBacks

Do TENS Units Work for Back Pain, and How?

As briefly aforementioned, a tens unit for back pain can significantly improve your acute and chronic back pain issues, without causing the side-effects that are oftentimes a result of pain killers. Instead, TENS units can help stimulate the brain and help produce endorphins, the body’s natural painkiller. Endorphins act as transmitters which create the feeling of well-being and ecstasy, which, in turn, reduces pain signals. Some other ways that endorphins are released include eating good food, listening to good music, sex, exercise, etc.

Further, TENS units help block the pain signals going to the brain, which provides the user with the pain relief they so much crave. The TENS machine basically stimulates the nerves, and that stimulation prevents pain signals from going up to the brain. Not only does it reduce the pain signals sent to the brain, but it can actually also retrain the nerves, even for people who suffer from nerve damage. Many chiropractors feel that a TENS treatment can change the entire behaviour of the nerve and prevent it from sending pain signals to the brain.

Source: Betwis

What Does a TENS Unit Do for Back Pain That Other Treatments Don’t?

For starters, the TENS machine gives you complete control over your treatment, unlike pain medication treatments where it’s not possible or feasible to reduce or increase the dose when it’s not working as you want it to. Depending on the type of unit you choose, you’ll be able to decide between a range of different intensity settings and modes to target the pain. Chronic back pain sufferers talk about having no control over the pain, which is exactly what TENS offers, and that helps with the psychological impact of day-to-day pain management.

Additionally, you can use TENS units for a wide range of different conditions. It can target knee and back pain, and many forms of arthritis. There are also many lesser-known uses for TENS units, such as for people suffering from mental health conditions like anxiety and depression, as well as those suffering from urinary incontinence. Moreover, you can pair TENS therapy with more intensive treatment. For instance, women suffering from endometriosis have their symptoms reduced when they used a TENS unit alongside hormone treatment.

Furthermore, many TENS units come with massage programs, which allows them to target your pain while giving you a relaxing, pleasurable massage.

Source: Hollywog

How Often to Use a TENS Unit For Back Pain?

Ideally, you’ll want a doctor to answer this question for you, since everyone’s back pain is different, which means not everyone is treated the same. However, if asking a doctor is not an option, then you should start with a 15-minute session, and work your way up to 3 15-minute sessions a day. Once you’re done with a session, try comparing your pain level from before and after you’ve used the TENS machine.

The great thing about TENS units is also that they’re compact and portable, allowing you to take it everywhere you go. In fact, you can wear it under your clothes discreetly. Nowadays, you’ll find that most units are wireless and Bluetooth controlled. And believe it or not, even the new, feature-pack TENS units are quite affordable, which is why many people pick it as a form of complementary therapy. Most TENS machines can be bought over the counter, or online. However, as aforementioned, it’s recommended that you speak to a doctor as TENS units aren’t suitable for all conditions and types of pain. People who suffer from epilepsy or have a pacemaker should avoid using a TENS unit.

When to Stop Using TENS?

There are a few different scenarios where you should immediately stop using TENS. For instance, don’t use TENS and leave it on for long periods of time without cleaning the skin and checking it frequently. This also means that you should under no circumstances put it on your back and go to sleep. If a burn or rash develops under the electrode and it lasts more than a few hours, stop TENS and see your physical therapist or doctor. Never place the electrodes on irritated or broken skin. Don’t drive while using the device, and don’t use it in the bathtub or shower.

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Chris Wilson

Writing for the blog since 2012, Chris simply loves the idea of providing people with useful info on business, technology, vehicles, industry, sports and travel – all subjects of his interest. Even though he sounds like quite the butch, he’d watch a chick flick occasionally if it makes the wife happy, and he’s a fan of skincare routines though you’d never have him admit that unless you compliment his impeccable skin complexion.

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