What Are the Benefits of Bottle-Feeding?

Food & Drinks

What Are the Benefits of Bottle-Feeding?

When it comes to baby feeding, many will agree that breastfeeding is the best. However, there are of course times when it is just not practical or possible to breastfeed. Sometimes, a mother is simply unable to produce enough breast milk to feed her baby. Other times, she might be dealing with some health issues, such as HIV. Some women find it too difficult to breastfeed due to inverted nipples, surgeries, pain, or social issues. In such cases, the option of bottle-feeding come as a blessed substitute for mothers.

Mothers shouldn’t be concerned about having to buy baby formula to feed their infant. Although there are differences between breastmilk and formula, those differences have little to do with the child not getting the appropriate amount of nutrition. The energy, protein, vitamins and mineral content of formulas have been closely controlled sine the 1980s. This means that when looking to buy baby formula, you won’t see a brand or a type of formula that doesn’t fulfill the nutritional requirements to meet the needs of a baby. If you are still unsure if formula feeding is the right option for you, here are some of the benefits you could enjoy.


Formula Feed Babies Bond With Mothers as Much as Breastfed Babies

It is true that breastfed babies spend a great deal of time experiencing skin to skin contact with their mothers, but that doesn’t mean that formula-fed babies are deprived of parental bonding. There are plenty of times for mothers to bond with babies that are fed formula from a bottle and the experience can also be shared with fathers. And there is simply no reason why skin to skin contact can’t happen with bottle feeding. All you need to do is get topless

Formulas Don’t Lead to Obesity

Some people link formula to the risk of obesity in children, but according to experts, it’s not due to anything that’s in the formula. Instead, it is a parent issue. It’s been found that parents who formula feed sometime overfeed their babies. Pediatricians explain that with a careful feeding practice on the part of a parent and control of the pediatrician, this concern can be mitigated.

More Sleep for the Baby and the Mother

Formula makes babies feel fuller, so they tend to sleep longer. This means more time in between feeding which also means fewer interruptions in the mother’s sleeping through the night.

If you are planning to use baby formula, ask your pediatrician for a recommendation, but don’t buy much of it once. Your baby may like one type of formula or be able to tolerate only a particular brand, so be prepared to experiment. Try different formulas until you find the best choice for your little one.

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Chris Wilson

Writing for the blog since 2012, Chris simply loves the idea of providing people with useful info on business, technology, vehicles, industry, sports and travel – all subjects of his interest. Even though he sounds like quite the butch, he’d watch a chick flick occasionally if it makes the wife happy, and he’s a fan of skincare routines though you’d never have him admit that unless you compliment his impeccable skin complexion.

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