Exhaust Tips: Give Your Cars the Benefit of Upgraded Mufflers


Exhaust Tips: Give Your Cars the Benefit of Upgraded Mufflers

It doesn’t matter how much money you pay for your car, one area where improvement is always needed is the style and while we may focus on the bigger picture beauty happens to be in the details no matter how cliché this sounds already, as is in the case with the exhaust system, specifically something as overlooked as the mufflers.

exhaust tip

Also known as exhaust tips, they have a dual role considering they’re meant to help improve the function of the car as a whole, providing alteration of the sound as a result since they’re part of the exhaust system and then we can’t forget they add to the aesthetics too.

Many think they don’t have much of a role which is why they don’t even consider upgrading the exhaust tip but don’t be fooled because as mentioned they still are part of the system responsible for the performance and use of fuel. Besides, they’re cheaper than changing the entire system with a brand new kit when wanting to add a twist to the sound.

Once you realise this and decide to upgrade, it’s necessary to get to know the different types of tips, see what works best for you and your car. Because of the differences in cuts and shapes you can expect a variation in the impact on the sound.

What’s certain about each of these types of aftermarket exhaust tip you can find is that they offer quality thanks to the materials and finishes, like stainless steel, carbon fibre, chrome and titanium among others. About the finish in particular there are both polished and black powder mufflers with the latter becoming more popular lately.

exhaust tips

The Cuts

Now, starting from the cuts of the tips, the traditional one is the straight cut still better than the one the car is equipped with from the factory though if you’re looking for a more edgy appearance then the angle cut is the option.

A unique choice that’s also sure to make your car look high-end is the intercooled featuring a secondary tube, whereas the rolled edge offers a larger look and a mightier impact on the sound though if you’re up for a louder outcome perhaps you should give the turndown exit a try.

The Shape

This isn’t to be confused with the cut because it refers to the pipes of the mufflers and can be found oval, rectangular as well as square. The style on the other hand of mufflers in general is single and dual wall.

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Chris Wilson

Writing for the blog since 2012, Chris simply loves the idea of providing people with useful info on business, technology, vehicles, industry, sports and travel – all subjects of his interest. Even though he sounds like quite the butch, he’d watch a chick flick occasionally if it makes the wife happy, and he’s a fan of skincare routines though you’d never have him admit that unless you compliment his impeccable skin complexion.

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